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An evening with Steve Proctor DPAGB, BPE5, PPSA on 26 January

Steve Proctor gave a superb talk about how to add your personal style to pictures. All too often camera club photographers tend to rely on group photoshoots to take portrait pictures and the result is a lot of good pictures but all in the same style.

Steve went through the various stages in turning good images into great images: through careful planning. talking to models, the art of the photoshoot, understanding the principles of post processing and finally the presentation of the final image either in print or digital projected images.

The talk was illustrated with fantastic images explaining each stage of the process which members found both informative and inspirational. His relaxed demeanour and taking the audience with him on the journey, rather than just showing pictures, reinforced the ideas behind how to take good pictures and then add the individual photographer's own style.

Members reported that the talk ranked amongst the best they had attended in recent times as it spoke to all levels of ability and was full of hints and tips which could be used to improve any member's pictures.


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