About Us
Otley Camera Club pride ourselves on being a friendly and supportive club and new members are warmly welcomed.
We normally meet on Thursdays (7:15pm till 9:30pm) in the centre of Otley (Otley Town Partnership Room up the stairs at 1A Mercury Row, Otley, LS21 3HE) from September through to May.
Click on 'Programme' on the menu bar to view our exciting programme for the 2024/2025 season which includes a broad range of activities including speakers, competitions, practicals, and fun social evenings. We also run 'Out & Abouts' - these social events are run outside club nights and members can drop in and out depending on interest - see the 'Events' page of this site.
Annual Membership
Single membership - £50.00
Joint membership - £95.00
Junior membership (under 16yrs old) £20.00 parent or guardian must be present
Student membership (in full time education) - £20.00
Payment can me made via cash, cheque or via this website (for single adult membership) - click on the 'Events' page and look for the annual adult membership ticket. Payments made via our website (using PayPal) incur a small booking fee.
If you have any general questions, please contact us at otleycameraclubinfo@gmail.com
Named contacts are:
Chair: Richard Sells - otleycameraclubchair@gmail.com
Deputy Chair and Webmaster: Andy Hoyle
Secretary/YPU Representative: Stephen Tonkin - otleycameraclubsec@gmail.com
Competition Secretary: Les Smart - otleycameraclubcomp@gmail.com
Treasurer: - otleycameraclubtreasurer@gmail.com
Other Committee: Keith Crowther, Nicola MacGregor, Paul Buckley, James Grimmitt