What's On 9th May?
On Thursday we are very excited to be joined by Tom Marsh (the flat capped photographer) for our final speaker of the season. He will be delivering his talk titled 'The Power of Photography'. He will be discussing how when we first pick up a camera our main aim is usually to master the settings and how to effectively compose a photograph. Once these techniques have been mastered, many of us will settle into a comfort zone, following the same processes over and over again, soon becoming frustrated and getting stuck in a creative rut. There is so much more to discover about photography and this talk will be a window into how we can tap into it. Tom will explore an extensive world of hidden powers and powerful techniques we often take for granted. He will also delve into the psychology of photography and try to bridge the gap between photography as an enjoyable hobby and photography as an art of expression. A night not to be missed and tickets are on sale in our 'events' section for non members.